A Plaque You Don’t Want

The Facts on Gum Disease


So what happens after we eat and left over particles are sitting on our teeth and gums until we find the time to brush, floss, and rinse with mouth wash?  It’s really the stepping stones which lead to plaque.  Plaque contributes to gum disease or periodontal disease which leaves a sticky film of bacteria, constantly forming on our teeth.  Gum disease is typically a painless disease that attacks the tissue that supports your teeth.


Given that it is a major contributor to adult tooth loss, the sooner it is treated the better.  Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease which consists of swollen, irritable, red, and even bleeding gums.  At this stage, the disease is very treatable with a dental cleaning and regular brushing and flossing.  Periodontitis is a more advanced stage of gum disease and can deteriorate tissue and bone that help in supporting your teeth making them feel loose.


You may have gum disease and not know it, but if you’re experiencing any of the following, you may want to address it with your doctor at your next appointment.


Bleeding, Red, Swollen, or Tender Gums

Poor Quality in Taste or Continuous Bad Breath

Looseness with any Tooth/Teeth

Gums Separating from the Tooth/Teeth

Feeling of Change when Biting


Lack of maintaining good oral health, tobacco products, diabetes, pregnancy, medications or health issues as well as genetics and crooked teeth are all contributors to gum disease.  Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy are always going to be the best measures of defense in combating gum disease.